PICK UP ORDERS: Deduct Shipping Charges at Checkout use Promo Code PICKUP (Serving Members and Association Only)

This Code is only for Serving Members or the Regiment and Active Members of the Regimental Association. 

Use the Discount Code PICKUP if you want to pick up your order at the regiment instead of paying for shipping.

All other orders must be shipped as access to the Regiment is limitied.

 When you select the PICKUP option your order will be processed and sent to RQ Stores at the Armory at 530 Queens Ave New Westminster.

When you receive an email saying your order has shipped and you selected the PICKUP option it will be at the regiment awaiting you to come and pick it up.


Dont forget to check out the Westie Kitshop Facbook Page for updates and new prioduct announcements.





IMPORTANT: use the discount code PICKUP when you checkout to get free shipping on your order. If you don't, you're paying for shipping even if you don't use it.

Note: Orders that use this discount code will not be shipped and will wait for pickup at the regiment.